Thursday, 14 January 2016

Rabbit Hill Ski club will once again head to Rabbit Hill at the end of February and the beginning of March. Forms will be found outside  the staff room door. See Mrs. Nessel if you have any questions.

Student Lounge - 9CD

Premier Girls and Premier Boys have their first basketball games after school today. Come out and support them. Go Sabres!

Premier boys practice at lunch today.  You do not need to change.

The music room will be open tomorrow at lunch for anyone wanting to practice or get help.

December practice sheets are due by the end of the month

Baba says “Everybody loves Perogies , Pepperoni Sticks, Smokies and Beef Jerky!” So make sure not to disappoint Baba- Get your Grade 9 Jasper Trip orders in to M. Morin.  
Remember Baba knows better!

Anyone interested in scuba diving is asked to return their permission form to Mrs. Baron as soon as possible. There are still about 10 spots left.

Jasper - forms outside staff room door, first come first serve, only 40 spots available.

French Band grade 7,8 and 9 practice at recess today. We will choose a new song.

Ask Mr. Mistol about the new track uniforms!