Thursday, 6 April 2017

Drama students who are attending Value Village next week during Flex: please do not sign up for Flex.

Drama set committee: there will be a very short meeting today after school.

Badminton practice for Seniors is at lunch today.

Badminton practice for Juniors is after school.

Ready to celebrate Spring? Tomorrow is Flip Flop Friday. Wear your flip flops or sandals!

Grade 8 & 9 band members are reminded that the bus is leaving for the Leduc Music Festival at 8am tomorrow. This means you need to arrange a ride to school so you can be here by 7:45am. If you are not here by 8am, the bus will be leaving without you. Please also remember to be dressed in black and white for your performance.

The Grade 8 & 9 band members are also asked to bring homework, study material or a book to read for class this morning.

The choir is reminded that we will be starting practice again next week to prepare for your Leduc Music festival performance. You will have a practice on Tuesday and Thursday next week at lunch.
The school talent show will be taking place Friday, June 9th this year. Sign up will not happen until later this month.This is just your heads up to start practicing and putting your act together!

The Grade 7 band and any other Grade 8 & 9 band members joining them today are asked to come to the band room with your music and instrument right after these announcements. You will be taking attendance with Mrs. Baron, loading up your instruments into parent vehicles, then getting on the bus, so bring all that you need for the morning performance.

Grade 9 students in Lip Dub to not sign up for flex