The Student Wellness Action Team will meet today at 12:35 in room 122
Attention gr. 7 band students that are taking foods in flex - please bring a container and a water bottle to take home your items in. Please see Mrs. Nessel if you have any questions.
Gr. 8 foods students please bring homework to work on during your class this morning.
Congratulations to the Sabres badminton team on winning the Ardrossan tournament this past Saturday!
Seniors practice today at lunch.
Juniors practice today after school.
Congratulations to all the band members for your great festival performances as bands, solos, duets and trios last week! There were many silver, gold and gold with distinction certificates handed out, so awesome job everyone!
The choir is reminded that practices will start again this week, as your festival performance is coming up on Friday, April 21st. To prepare for this the choir will meet tomorrow AND Thursday at lunch.
If you have not signed up for FLEX please do so today!
Wednesday is Oilers Day!! Please wear orange and blue to support them in their run for the cup!
Drama students who are attending the Value Village field trip this Wednesday: please see Mrs. DeBoer right after these announcements
Congratulations to the Oilers for making the playoffs and finishing the year with the league’s leading scorer! Wear you Oilers gear on Wednesday to support the team in their first playoff game in 11 years!!!
Come watch the Sr Boys Basketball team lose to the teachers this Thursday at lunch.
There will be no pizza Tuesday this week.