Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Student Lounge  - grade 7

Grade 7 & 8 Homeroom teachers please pick up your Write-On stationery order forms from the office.

The Grade 7 band and any Grade 8 or 9 students playing with them are reminded that tomorrow is your performance day. The bus will be leaving at 9am.

Grade 8 & 9 band members are reminded that your bus will be leaving at 8am on Friday.

All band members are also reminded to complete the online permission form and make payment before tomorrow as well

Assembly today Block 3

Registration information form for 2017/2018 - a questionnaire was emailed out before spring break regarding returning student, all current students are asked to complete even if going to Ecole Beaumont Composite in 2017. If you have net yet completed please click on the following link to complete