Thursday, 25 May 2017

Grade 9’s going on the Jasper Camping Trip - we will be holding a Bake Sale next week (Thursday June 1st) to raise money for your trip.  If you are interesting in helping out with selling or bringing items please see Miss Jensen before Friday this week.

Tickets for the evening performance of Mr. Winkler’s Birthday Party on May 31st will be sold today at lunch in Miss Jensen’s room (room 117). Tickets are $2.00 and anyone from the community is welcome to attend.

GSA will meet tomorrow in room 122

All students attending the track and field meet on Monday need to get their permission slips done on Powerschool.

Do you need to get some volunteer hours in? Come to the front lobby after school to help the Drama crew move and set up our stage!

All props, costumes, and set people, please meet after school today

Talent Show Auditions start next Tuesday. See Mrs. Baron to sign up if you are interested in auditioning!

The band room is open for practice during the lunch hour today

Fit Chick Friday workouts will continue this week. Be changed & ready to workout with Mrs. Baron in Room 115 at 12:14. Workout first,then eat.