Reminder to grade 9s going on the Jasper camping trip that there will be your bake sale tomorrow - please remember to bring in your items and drop them off at Miss Jensen’s classroom or the office in the morning.
Bake sale items will be $1.00 each so everyone bring your loonies and toonies tomorrow!
All cast and crew members for Mr Winkler’s Birthday should be in the gym right after break this morning. Bring everything you need for costume to the gym.
Talent show auditions continue tomorrow. Any remaining performers are to meet in the gym with their lunch at 12:14.
Because of talent show auditions, the band room is closed this week.
Fitness Friday is happening this Friday at 12:14. ANYONE, male or female, student or adult, is invited to come for a short 20 minute workout. Be changed and in room 115. Workout first, then eat!
Grade 7, 8 & 9 band members are reminded that your Year End Concert is next Thursday, June 8th at 7pm. Everyone is invited to attend with donations being accepted at the door for the Thaddeus Lake Music Foundation.
Lost and found items are still lined up in the hallway by the gym. Please take some time during break or noon hour to check and see if you have any lost items. Items not collected today will be washed and donated to people who need clothing.
Zone track athletes - make sure your parents have signed your online permission forms. We will be leaving right after the bell tomorrow, be prepared for the weather!
Grade nine pics that have not been submitted will be accepted today! The Gr. 9 farewell is Thursday evening at 6:30pm.
The link for 17/18 Complementary Courses was emailed home last week, as we are working on class lists for the fall your attention to this is greatly appreciated. If you need the link resent, please contact the school.