Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Yearbook orders are due June 1, order online thru Powerschool

If you are in grade nine and want to be part of the most epic slideshow of all time, send Mr. Slade your baby or toddler pic as soon as possible PLEASE!

**The first round of eliminations has been posted on the athletics board.
If you have qualified for any of the throwing events and would like to practice today block 4 or 5 during FLEX please see Mrs. Dorash before block 3 to have your name added to the session. All athletes are encouraged to check the list carefully.

Qualifying for triple jump will start at 12:14 at the pits, 1500m on the field.  Once again, if you have missed these events in class you MUST come at lunch to qualify! If you miss tryouts you will be ineligible to compete.  

Any students that would like to practice Triple Jump block 5 during FLEX prior to tryouts at lunch please see Mrs. Dorash as well.

****There will be an important meeting for all track athletes that have qualified for the LDAA meet Thursday at 10:02 in the gym.

Math 8 Final Exam prep  Block 3 is in room 102

P.3 Spikeball participants need to meet in the gym before going outside.