Monday, 30 October 2017

Please remember to bring in donations for the Food Bank as the `Me to We`club is initiating efforts to assist those who may go hungry.  We appreciate the great efforts of all those who have donated so far!

Girls Developmental Volleyball continues today.  All grades welcome! Bring your lunch to the gym at 12:26!!

Me to We students: Drop into Ms. Gervais’ Room at lunch to help decorate & distribute donation boxes and work classroom announcements and marketing with us.

Aqua fit class, meet Mrs. Duru at first break in room 118 for a quick meeting.

Sr boys volleyball practice is after school until 4:15

15 days until the Book Fair !!

Halloween Activities:  Students can choose from one of the following locations: Movie Room: will be showing Secret Life of Pets
Games Room or the Dance/Activities in the gym where DJ Mistol will be spinning tunes... Ask your homeroom teacher if you have any questions.

Band doing bake sale tomorrow

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Good luck to the Senior boys volleyball team in your league games at the Comp today!
If you have any school related pictures for the slide show, please email them to Mr. Slade at

19 days until the book fair !!

Me to We meets today at lunch in room 122. Bring your lunch

Gym at recess - Grade 8/9 gilrs

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

JEL Pride Alliance (formerly known as GSA) will meeting room 122 on Friday during lunch.

Flex today - students, please check and write down which room you will be going to for both blocks of Flex this morning

A reminder that popcorn from the band fundraiser will be here tomorrow. Please pick up your orders from the band room after school tomorrow.

Mrs. Baron’s social studies 7B and 7A classes are to meet in Room 104  today.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Just a reminder that there is NO senior ladies volleyball practice today after school. I will see you at practice tomorrow morning!

Monday French Band practice at lunch and lunch recess today in Mme LaBrie’s classroom.

Tuesday French Band practice after school in band room

Girls Developmental Volleyball is today at lunch!!! Newcomers welcome - bring your lunch to the gym at 12:26.

Attention all home ec students - we are still holding classes in the science lab. Gr. 9 Home ec - no cooking next week, continuing on with textiles in the science lab.

FLEX - it is important that you are signed up today.  Homeroom teachers please check your lists today!

Picture retakes today.

JR girls volleyball meet in the lobby at 255 pm ready to leave for our games.

Students signed up for Walking Club during FLEX are reminded to dress for the weather. Tomorrow’s forecast looks windy and wet!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Monday French Band no practice today

Picture retake day is tomorrow. Staff, please get your photo taken for the yearbook.

Senior boys volleyball practice is after school until 4:15.

The Grade 8 & Grade 9 Band trip deposits are due today. Please hand in to Mrs. Baron.

Jazz Band practice tomorrow morning at 7:30am

Choir practice tomorrow at lunch - eat first in the band room, then sing

FLEX - If you have not already signed up please do so today!

Girls developmental volleyball will be Tuesday this week instead of today, new comers welcome!

Lunch recess in the gym - Grade 9 boys

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Are you almost 14? Are you thinking about taking your Learner’s test? Sign up for a learner’s permit study session during next week’s Flex.

Me to We will be held during Block Four of FLEX next week and not during lunch today. We will be choosing our local and global pillars. Your input is valued.

FLEX  - Sign up is today due to no school tomorrow.  Grade 9: block 1 or 2, Grade 8: block 3 or 4, grade 7’s can sign up anytime after 12:26.  Please a look at the session descriptions before you sign up.  Band practice is only for grade 8 next week and sewing project completion is only for students who have projects to work on. 

Gym at lunch recess - grade 9 girls.  There have not been many students in lately and Mr. Mistol would like to see more of you so come on out.

Senior boys volleyball team, please meet in Mrs Duru’s room at break for an important meeting.
Grade 8 Wellness students: Please report to Gym for class block 4.

Mme Stewart’s Senior ladies volleyball team will need to meet in the front foyer at 2:35 ready to leave. These students should not be dismissed before 2:25. Go Sabres!

A reminder that The band popcorn fundraiser order forms and payments are due today. Please hand in to the office, as Mrs. Baron will be away today on the Grade 7 field trip.

PD Day on Friday.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Reminder to all grade 7’s that we will be heading to the Strathcona Wilderness Centre for the day tomorrow.  You need to dress appropriately to be outside for the day and bring a bagged lunch.  It is important that you are here on time as the busses will leave right after attendance.

GSA will be meeting today in room 122. Everyone is welcome! Please bring your lunch.

ME to WE will meet tomorrow in room 122. New members are always welcome to come. Please bring your lunch.

Senior Boys volleyball practice is cancelled today. 

Gym at lunch recess - grade 8 girls

The band popcorn fundraiser orders are due tomorrow. Please bring your order form and payment to Mrs. Baron or to the office.

Congratulation to the JR Girls for a great win last night! and we have a practice after school.

Meat Meat ! everyone love Meat! Bring in your Mundare orders -  due before Nov. 3!

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Silent reading during lunch recess in Mrs. Duru’s room will be Monday -Wednesday

Reminder to all grade 7’s that we will be heading to the Strathcona Wilderness Centre for the day on Thursday.  You need to dress appropriately to be outside and bring a bagged lunch.  It is important that you are here on time as the busses will leave right after attendance.

Because there is no school on Friday, GSA will meet on Wednesday for this week in room 122. Please bring your lunch.

Students signed up for walking club during block 3 of FLEX are reminded to meet in room 122… dressed for a power walk.

ME to WE will meet on Thursday in room 122. Please bring your lunch.

JR girls Volleyball please meet in the front lobby ready to leave for Devon at 245. Teachers please let the girls out of class at 240. 

Students signed up for Pokemon/ Magic the Gathering flex period tomorrow remember to bring your cards if you have them.

239 days until Jasper trip! remember to bring in your Mundare order soon.

Aqua sports students, please remember to meet in the front foyer at 1pm to get on the bus.  If you have trouble watching the time, you can spend lunch recess in Mrs. Duru’s room and we will walk together.  Bring a book or some homework, as there will be others in here reading.

Friday, 13 October 2017

GSA will meet Friday in room 122 during lunch. Please bring your lunch.

Silent reading during lunch recess in Mrs. Duru’s room will be Monday -Wednesday only.  There is no reading today. 

French Band- Monday group we will have a practice at lunch today, go to the band room.

Boys developmental volleyball starts today!  If you are not on a team and are interested in volleyball please come to the gym at 12:26 with your lunch. Girls start on Monday.

Flex: grade 8’s sign up block 1 or 2, grade 9’s block 3 or 4. Grade 7’s anytime after 12:26.  Please read the session descriptions carefully and choose your current homeroom when you sign up.

The make-up session in flex next week is a two block session. If you are interested you need to sign up for both blocks.

Dress Down to Build Others Up for staff today.

Congratulations to the Senior Ladies volleyball team for their wins against Riverview and West Haven last night. Great job girls. Practice is Monday after school.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Our first official meeting for GSA will be held on Friday during lunch in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your lunch. Questions ?... please see Ms Gervais.

Service learning 9 students: please bring coats to tomorrow’s class

No reading in Mrs. Duru’s room at lunch today. 

Girls’ 7AD Phys. Ed - outside - dress for the weather

Gym lunch recess is for the Grade 8 girls

Do you want to be part of a global movement that is transforming communities & our world one project at a time? Yes?!

Then don’t wait to start making a difference: Join Ms. Gervais and Mme Walker in room 122 at lunch today to get started and join our Me to We family along with other teens across the globe and many of your favorite celebrities who have already saved thousands of lives. There is so much fun in store! See you at 12:26 and bring your lunch!

If you missed getting your picture done yesterday, retakes are scheduled for Oct. 24.

JR Girls/Boys Volleyball today after school

French Band- Monday group we will have a practice at lunch on tomorrow.

There will be a popcorn sale in the front foyer at noon today.  The proceeds will go towards the Grade 9 trip to Jasper.  $2 for a bag!

Developmental volleyball will start Friday for boys and Monday for girls! We would love to see lots of kids come out!  See Mrs. Dorash or Mr. Mistol if you have any questions.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

There will be a practice for the senior boys volleyball team after school today until 4:15.

Our first Flex session begins today.  Enjoy! Students, please be sure to know which session you are attending for both blocks, as well as which room you are to go to for each.

Do you want to be part of a global movement that is transforming communities & our world one project at a time? Yes?!
Then don’t wait to start making a difference: Join Ms. Gervais and Mme Walker in room 122 at lunch tomorrow (Thursday) to get started and join our Me to WE family along with other teens across the globe and many of your favorite celebrities who have already saved thousands of lives. There is so much fun in store! See you Thursday!

French Band- Monday group we will have a practice at lunch on Friday.

Gym unavailable today.  School pictures. Be dressed to go outside for PE.

If you signed up for volleyball in flex, please meet outside of the gym doors for attendance and be ready to go outside.

Picture retake day - Tuesday, October 24

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Tomorrow is picture day.

French Band practice after school for Tuesday group.

If you have signed up for Walking Club during FLEX, please dress for the weather and meet in room 122

Students in Art Club are reminded to bring your own sketching, drawing supplies.

Developmental girls volleyball will start Thursday at lunch. If you do not play for a school team and interested in improving your volleyball skills bring your lunch to the gym Thursday at 12:26. If you have any questions please see Mrs Dorash in rm 113.

Everyone should be signed up for FLEX…

Gym at lunch recess - Grade 7 boys

Choir practice is today at lunch in the band room

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Our first official meeting for GSA will be held on Friday during lunch in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your lunch. Questions ?... please see Ms Gervais.

Service learning 9 students: please bring coats to tomorrow’s class

Students who would like a quiet place to read during lunch recess are welcome to bring their books to Mrs. Duru’s room (118). 

Today is World Teacher’ Day.  Students, take some time to thank your teachers and be grateful that you have the opportunity to attend school regularly and learn in a strong educational system.

Our Senior volleyball teams will be playing in Wetaskiwin after school today.  Go Sabres! All senior volleyball players, meet Mrs. Duru and Mme Stewart in the front entrance after school. The bus will leave at 3;30 to head to our games.

Lunch recess in the gym - grade 9 boys

JR Girls Volleyball today after school

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Our first official meeting for GSA will be held on Friday during lunch in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your lunch. Questions ?... please see Ms Gervais.

Gr 9’s - please bring your Alberta Health immunization forms to the office right after these announcements

7AD girl’s Phys. Ed outside tomorrow - dress for the weather please

CBYC calendars available in the office.

Gym at lunch recess- grade 9

Early dismissal at 2:16 today. Drop period 4.

Great first games for the JR Girls last night, and there is a practice after school today 310- 430

We are still missing 48 'Returning student registrations', parents we ask if you have not already done so please log into your Powerschool portal and complete. If you require assistance please contact the office.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Grade 9 Immunization forms are due, please send to the office.

Our first official meeting for GSA will be held on Friday during lunch in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your lunch. Questions ?... please see Ms Gervais.

Senior boys volleyball,tomorrow’s practice is cancelled due to early dismissal.  The team will practice on Friday after school until 4:45.

Gym at lunch recess - grade 8

Our fire alarm will be tested today as they are trying to reconnect it.  When you hear the fire alarm, please disregard.  It is only a test.

Students in Aqua Sports: The bus will be here at 1pm.  You can meet us at the front of the school, if you watch the time.  You can also spend lunch recess in room 118 with Mrs. Duru, instead of going outside, so we can go to the bus together.  Please be on time for the bus!

Tomorrow is the start of the NHL season.  Come to school wearing your favorite NHL team colors. 

As it is early dismissal and assembly, it is also hat day.  Come to school wearing your favorite hat.

All Grade 7 band students going to Camp Evergreen are to come to the band room for a very quick meeting today at lunch. Come to the band room at the 12:26 bell. You will have the short meeting, then go to your homerooms to eat.

The choir will meet again today at 12:45. Anyone interested in joining the choir is invited to attend!

French Band practice after school and at lunch for the group of Monday.

JR Girls meet in lobby at 305 ready to walk to Colonial.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Today is National Custodial Worker Recognition Day.  Please take some time to show your appreciation for our custodial staff!

This is Read-In-Week and to show our value for literacy and the pleasure of reading, our language arts classes will be focusing on a variety of reading activities.  We encourage all students to take some time each day and enjoy reading for fun, whether this be a novel, a magazine, a graphic novel, a work of non-fiction, or any other sort of reading!

To kick off the start of the NHL season, all students and staff are encouraged to wear the colours/clothing of their favorite NHL team this coming Wednesday, October 4.

Mrs. Baron would like to meet with any students interested in joining the choir today over the lunch hour. It is open to all students - grade 7, 8 and 9. Bring your lunch to the band room to eat there and then be ready to sing a little.

Volunteers are needed to help with the Remembrance Day Ceremony. If you are interested in speaking, reading a poem or performing a dance routine, please see Mrs. Baron.

Congratulations to the Senior girls and boys volleyball team who played in their first tournament of the season. Awesome job players! There is practice today after school.

There will be a short meeting for all Grade 7 band members going to Camp Evergreen tomorrow at lunch. Eat your lunch in your homeroom, then come to the band room when the bell to go outside rings. If you are going to camp, you MUST attend this meeting. Please remember to bring your camp activity waiver form.

French Band don’t forget Monday group we will choose the song tomorrow at lunch recess in Mme LaBrie’s class. Make sure to come as last Friday you didn’t. Tuesday group, we will practice tomorrow after school in the band room.

Gym - Lunch recess - grade 7