GSA will meet Friday in room 122 during lunch. Please bring your lunch.
Silent reading during lunch recess in Mrs. Duru’s room will be Monday -Wednesday only. There is no reading today.
French Band- Monday group we will have a practice at lunch today, go to the band room.
Boys developmental volleyball starts today! If you are not on a team and are interested in volleyball please come to the gym at 12:26 with your lunch. Girls start on Monday.
Flex: grade 8’s sign up block 1 or 2, grade 9’s block 3 or 4. Grade 7’s anytime after 12:26. Please read the session descriptions carefully and choose your current homeroom when you sign up.
The make-up session in flex next week is a two block session. If you are interested you need to sign up for both blocks.
Dress Down to Build Others Up for staff today.
Congratulations to the Senior Ladies volleyball team for their wins against Riverview and West Haven last night. Great job girls. Practice is Monday after school.