Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Grade 9 Immunization forms are due, please send to the office.

Our first official meeting for GSA will be held on Friday during lunch in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your lunch. Questions ?... please see Ms Gervais.

Senior boys volleyball,tomorrow’s practice is cancelled due to early dismissal.  The team will practice on Friday after school until 4:45.

Gym at lunch recess - grade 8

Our fire alarm will be tested today as they are trying to reconnect it.  When you hear the fire alarm, please disregard.  It is only a test.

Students in Aqua Sports: The bus will be here at 1pm.  You can meet us at the front of the school, if you watch the time.  You can also spend lunch recess in room 118 with Mrs. Duru, instead of going outside, so we can go to the bus together.  Please be on time for the bus!

Tomorrow is the start of the NHL season.  Come to school wearing your favorite NHL team colors. 

As it is early dismissal and assembly, it is also hat day.  Come to school wearing your favorite hat.

All Grade 7 band students going to Camp Evergreen are to come to the band room for a very quick meeting today at lunch. Come to the band room at the 12:26 bell. You will have the short meeting, then go to your homerooms to eat.

The choir will meet again today at 12:45. Anyone interested in joining the choir is invited to attend!

French Band practice after school and at lunch for the group of Monday.

JR Girls meet in lobby at 305 ready to walk to Colonial.