Our first official meeting for GSA will be held on Friday during lunch in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your lunch. Questions ?... please see Ms Gervais.
Service learning 9 students: please bring coats to tomorrow’s class
Students who would like a quiet place to read during lunch recess are welcome to bring their books to Mrs. Duru’s room (118).
Today is World Teacher’ Day. Students, take some time to thank your teachers and be grateful that you have the opportunity to attend school regularly and learn in a strong educational system.
Our Senior volleyball teams will be playing in Wetaskiwin after school today. Go Sabres! All senior volleyball players, meet Mrs. Duru and Mme Stewart in the front entrance after school. The bus will leave at 3;30 to head to our games.
Lunch recess in the gym - grade 9 boys
JR Girls Volleyball today after school