Monday, 6 November 2017

Gr 9 Alberta Health Immunization forms - if you haven’t handed yours in yet, please do so immediately

Operation Christmas Child - hands-on project that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes .  You can pick up a shoebox from the office.

Girls developmental volleyball will be moved to Tues at lunch as Mrs Dorash is away.

Grade 7-9 girls are in the gym today.

Senior boys volleyball practice is after school.

Mrs. Baron needs to meet with all the Remembrance Day speakers and readers TODAY. Please bring your lunch to the band room at the 12:26 bell for this meeting.

The choir will have their regular Tuesday practice tomorrow at lunch. Please be sure to attend, as the Remembrance Day ceremony is coming up this Friday.

Jazz band practice is tomorrow at 7:30am.

There are quite a few bake sale containers in the band room from last week’s bake sale. If you brought goodies, please come and get your container TODAY!

Sabre Nike Hoodies are now available!
COST - $58.00 - (Payment can be made on Powerschool or by cash/cheque)
ORDER DEADLINE – November 9th @ 3:00pm

8 days until the book fair!

Students, please look for a sheet on the whiteboard in your classroom: if your name is listed there, you need to attend a meeting in Mrs. Deboer’s room (116) during block 6.

Way to go Jr. Girls Sabers on the 3rd place finish at Dansereau

Grade 9 if you have Mundare orders with you drop them off at the office please. Deadline is today!!!