Operation Christmas Child - hands-on project that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes . We have been participating in this project for a number of years. Last year, close to 700000 shoeboxes were donated by Canadians. You can pick up a shoebox in Mr. Helgren’s office.
Gr 9 Alberta Health Immunization forms - if you haven’t handed yours in yet, please do so immediately
Sabre Nike Hoodies are now available to purchase. Homeroom teachers please hand out the forms to your classes.
COST - $58.00 - (Payment can be made on Powerschool or by cash/cheque)
ORDER DEADLINE – November 9th @ 3:00pm
Senior boys volleyball team-serving practice is at lunch recess.
Senior girls serving practice at lunch recess also.
Thank-you to all those who have brought in a food donation big or small. We challenge each and every one of you to contribute at least one item to those in need! Thank-you for helping “Me to We” reach their goal of filling a 1 ton truck for the Food Bank!
There are lots of sweet treats left from the bake sale on Tuesday, so come down to the band room at lunch to buy some goodies. We will be selling everything 2 for $1.00!
Attention Choir Members: the choir will be having a practice tomorrow at lunch. Please make a note of it and remember to come!