Parent Teacher interviews tomorrow.
Shoeboxes are due Thursday, November 16
Attention Health Champions students attending the Health Symposium in Leduc this week: please go to Mme Walker’s class (room 125) at 12:45 for a meeting.
We would like to thank all of our students who participated in our Remembrance Day Ceremony through your musical talents, poetry reading, dancing, and speaking. Your contributions made our service meaningful in remembering all those who have offered their service for our country. Thank you also to our entire student population for your very respectful attention throughout the service. Finally, thank you for Mrs. Baron & Mr. Slade for coordinating this service as well as M. Morin for speaking, and all other teachers who assisted.
Grade 7s participating in Destination Imagination: please come to Mrs. DeBoer’s room (116) today for period 5.
FLEX - everyone needs to be signed up today! Homeroom teachers please check your lists as we are missing many students right now.
Aqua Sports-be on the bus at 1pm. You can come to Mrs. Duru’s room for lunch recess so we can be on the bus at 1.
The choir will be meeting today to begin Christmas concert practice. If you did not join for the Remembrance Day group, but would like to join now, please come out. Practice is in the band room at 12:26. Bring your lunch to eat, then sing!
Library is closed at lunch recess - all week