Calling all Drama lovers: if you are interested in acting in our one-act festival this year, come to a meeting tomorrow at lunch in Mrs. DeBoer’s room. You can sign up with a group, or come on your own and find a group! If you have any questions, find Miss Jensen or Mrs. DeBoer!
Toonies for Taylor… dontions are being accepted at the office.
Treats for Taylor bake sale Thursday during lunch. All items $2
Senior Boys Volleyball Practice at lunch
FLEX - sign up if you have not!
Jazz band practice tomorrow at 7:30am
Mrs. Baron would like to thank all the Remembrance Assembly band members, cadets, dancers and speakers. Your involvement and effort on Friday made for a wonderful remembrance assembly. Thanks also to Mr. Slade and Mr. Morin for your involvement as well.
Pizza Tuesday! $2.50/slice