Thursday, 15 November 2018

Treats for Taylor bake sale is being held today at lunch in the front entrance.

FLEX sign up Friday - grade 9 block 1 or 2, grade 7 block 3 or 4, grade 8 lunch or later

All 8C students please meet in Ms. Gervais’ class (116) during Option B today. Please bring a pencil.
9C students please meet Mrs. Dorash in room 116 for Block 6 today.

Would Mr. Slade’s Digital Citizenship class please bring pencil crayons to his new classroom beside the Learning Commons. (The old band room)

Sr Volleyball teams there will be a serving practice today at lunch.

Any drama students who are still interested in one-act plays and did not come to the meeting yesterday at lunch, please see Miss. Jensen in room 114 today at lunch.

PE classes are in the new gym today