Tuesday, 20 November 2018

French Band don’t forget your instrument for the practice during FLEX tomorrow.

Students and staff, please remember to bring in your Toonies for Taylor Tompkins to the office. The money raised will help Taylor's family with expenses for any needed expenses during this challenging time. Thank-you!

Throwing snow - safety concern outside.  We had two students injured at lunch recess due to snowballs.

Pinterest 8 students please bring your jackets and money today for our outing.

Ms Gervais’ 7B Health class please bring your duotang and pencil crayons to class this afternoon.

The Tuedsay Group for One Acts have practice tonight in Mr Eidick’s room (203)

Grade 8-9 boys basketball try-outs have been moved to Thursday after school. 

Girls basketball try-outs have been moved to tomorrow after school.

For the next while, there will be no access to the school from the outside door nearest the Ken Nichol Recreation Centre.  All students and staff must use the exit beside the new classroom wing to go to the back of the school. Also, access to the washrooms in the hallway by the old gym is only available through the hallway from the front of the school.  Please note that no one is allowed beyond any yellow caution tape.  Thank you.

Pizza Tuesday!  Teachers, please email your slice count in to Mr. Mistol after these announcements.  Guest teachers, please call the office with your total slice count.

Gr. 7 Band students that are in foods during flex, please bring a container tomorrow for your cookies.