Thursday, 21 March 2019

Tomorrow is a PD Day -Official start to spring break!! Classes resume April 1.

Grade 7 badminton practice at lunch

Grade 9 badminton practice after school (any grade 8 team members are welcome to practice today after school as well).

Tomorrow is the Black Gold Youth Conference - please remember to meet at CHAMPS VALLEE SCHOOL at 7:45am.  Thank you for representing our school at this wonderful event! Could the students attending the conference please meet in room 200 at 10:25 for a quick meeting.

Reminder to grade 9 students. If you have questions about grade 10 courses or if you would like help with your course planner, you are invited to drop by Ms. Gervais’ classroom at 12:26 today. Staff from the High School and Ms. Gervais will be there during the lunch break to assist you.

Student Gathering - closed

Gr, 8 -9 home ec students today is your last chance to order a classy threads kit. If you forgot your form make sure to see Mrs. Nessel BEFORE the end of today.

Hot lunch orders are due today. Bring to the office.

Junior girls...Mr. Slade has all jerseys in...except for 1.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Student Gathering - grade 9

Grade 9 badminton practice today at lunch
Grade 8 badminton today after school

Dig out your flip flops and get your toes ready for summer!!!  Tomorrow is Flip Flop Thursday!!!

Found - a ring was turned into the office

Lost and found - students, please take a few minutes and check the lost and found table for any of your items. Any unclaimed items will be donated.

Junior girls...we are missing one and a half sets of know who you are.  Get them in ASAP so we can beat the boys!

The home ec room will NOT be open after school until after spring break. Students that want to come and finish projects are asked to talk to Mrs. Nessel when we return.

Term 3 gr. 7-8  home ec students - Classy Threads orders are due tomorrow. If you forgot your order please see Mrs. Nessel before the end of the day.

Youth Conference Students - please check your email for important busing information for Friday!

Drama one-act students: come to room 116 for our pizza party today at lunch!

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Student Lounge - 7DEF

jazz band practice today at lunch!

Sick of shoes? Thursday is going to be ‘Flip Flop Thursday’

Grade 8 badminton practice today at lunch

Grade 7 badminton practice after school

Pizza Tuesday

Speaking of pizza...junior girls, you have exactly 0 practice jerseys and 0 game jerseys returned to Mr. Slade.  Looks like the dream of pizza for Ava is over.

Miss Jensen’s term 2 drama kids have a rehearsal today at lunch.  Please meet in her new classroom (room 116) right at the beginning of lunch.  Bring your lunches and any props you may need.

Drama one-act students: we will be having a pizza party tomorrow at lunch to celebrate our success! Please meet in Miss Jensen’s room (116) tomorrow for lunch.

Mental health key chains will be available for order this week at lunch. Come to the student gathering area and see the beautiful key chains options.

FLEX - please make sure you have signed up! Reminder to choose alternate support if you are attending a math help session or acting in the drama presentations...

Term 2 art and home ec students are asked to pick up their marked projects.  Classy threads project orders for term 3 are due on Thursday.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Pizza Tuesday tomorrow

Student Gathering - 7ABC

Grade 7 badminton practice today at lunch

Grade 9 badminton practice today after school

FLEX Sign up - grade 8: block 1 or 2, grade 9: block 3 or 4, grade 7: lunch or later.
*French Immersion do not sign up - you are doing carnaval.
*Students are only allowed to sign up for one badminton session.
*Due to Carnaval there is no construction or foods this week, please sign up for another session

Attention all of Mrs. Nessel’s term 2 home ec and art classes - If you were intending on handing in any art assignments or textiles projects please do so RIGHT AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENTS. After today any missing assignments will not be accepted.

There is a combined band practice this morning for all band members. Grade 7, 8 & 9 band members please head to the band room for periods 1 & 2.

jazz band practice tomorrow at lunch!

Soapstone Carving option meet in Mrs. Buzak’s room (#204) for class today.

All basketball jerseys need to be turned in to your coach as soon as possible.

Sick of shoes? Thursday is going to be ‘Flip Flop Thursday’  paint your toe nails :)

Thursday, 14 March 2019

March 14, 2019

We acknowledge that our school is on treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux.  We acknowledge all the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.
it is Pi Day!  Rejoice!  Today is the day to love math more than ever before.
Winners of today’s Pi competition get a pizza Pi on Tuesday, but the real winners are all of you for being touched by Pi.

Student Gathering - closed today at lunch
Only 91 days until the Grade 9 Banff trip!

Grade 9 boys badminton try-outs are today at lunch
Final team lists will be posted today after school followed by Team meeting tomorrow at lunch.

Congratulations to all our one-act actors, You did wonderful yesterday!
Stay tuned for details on a lunch party next week.

We would also like to thank the musicians who came out last night and performed during our acts. 
Could the students who signed up for the Youth Conference please check their emails for important information. You must sign up for your sessions  today!
Moving Day- Classes are moving out of the portables and into the school!!!

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Student Gathering - grade 9

One-act drama performances are at 7 PM tonight.

Congratulations to the Jr Boys on an amazing season. The boys finished with a silver metal last night after losing to Father Leduc in a tough game. The boys played awesome and had an incredible season. Thanks for all your hard work this season boys!

Down by 4 points with 2:17 left in the game, the junior girls basketball team forced overtime with a ferocious barrage of steals and hoops.  Then in the overtime, the girls went on to crush their opponents and take the bronze medal with a dazzling display of intensity, focus, and never-give-up!  Congrats girls on an amazing win, making your family, coach, and school proud!  Please meet in Mr. Slade’s room at 12:45 for a quick meeting.

Also - great job to all basketball players and coaches on one of the most successful seasons in JE history.  2 golds, 1 silver and 1 bronze.

Grade 9 girls badminton try-outs are today at lunch.

Grade 9 boys badminton try-outs are tomorrow at lunch

Grade 8 boys and girls badminton try-outs are today after school

The final list for grade 7’s will be posted today.

Only 92 days until the Grade 9 Banff trip!

Athletic hoodies and school wear is in!  If you ordered, please see Mr. Mistol in the gym during break.

Grade 9 students will be given their Gr. 10 Course Planners today

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Student Lounge - 8DE

Jr Boys practice at lunch. They play in the gold medal game at Leduc Jr High tonight at 5:30. It’d be great if you came out to cheer them on! And good luck to the junior girls in their bronze medal game tonight at Father Leduc!

Badminton try-outs resume today after school.  It’s grade 9 boys.
Tomorrow at lunch is grade 9 girls.  All grade 8’s are tomorrow after school.

Two days until Pi Day!  If you want to win a pizza pi, recite as many digits of pi as you can to your math teacher on this monumental day.  Madam Stewart has memorized 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862. 

Grade nine students - Mr. Slade has three farewell pictures.  Get them into him ASAP.

The home ec  room is open today and Thursday,after school,until 4 for any students that would like to come in and work on their sewing or art projects. All projects are due on Friday, March 15

Jasper Ski Trip participants are asked to share any pictures from the ski trip with Mr. Slade and Mrs. Buzak for the yearbook and monthly video.

Jazz band practice is postponed until next Tuesday. There is no practice today.

Pizza Tuesday

Junior girls basketball practice is canceled at lunch.

One act actors: we have a dress rehearsal after school today. Meet in the student gathering area at 3:10

Monday, 11 March 2019


The final grade 7 badminton try-out is today at lunch.  Be there at 12:26pm.  Mrs. Dorash will be running it.

Grade 9 boys badminton try-outs are tomorrow after school.

Grade nines - email your farewell pics to Mr. Slade as soon as you can.  All pics must be in by April 15.

Student Gathering-8ABC

FLEX - all grade 7 and 8 students should now be signed up! Reminder there is no construction or foods so those kids need to choose another session.

Rafiki bracelets are being sold today and Tuesday during lunch by the student gathering. They can be purchased for $5

Join us for Mental health Mondays lunch group today in room 205. Bring your lunch and hang out!

Friday, 8 March 2019

We acknowledge that our school is on treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux.  We acknowledge all the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

Grade 9 service learning students: We are at the daycare today
Tough loss last night for the junior girls who played an amazing game but came up short to the number one ranked team. 
Practice at 3:15 today.

Mr. Slade’s Robotics class, bring some productive work to class.
North Entrance/Exit  for the gym, The one by Mrs. Nessel’s room. Please No students/staff allowed to go through that area to get to the gym or leave the gym.

Congratulations to the junior boys on their win against Wetaskiwin last night, they have made it to the finals on Tuesday.
A huge congrats to the senior girls who won the gold medal and the banner last night in a very close game. Outstanding defense and hustle and a great way to end the season. Way to represent J.E. Lapointe!

A special thank you to all the fans that came out to support our Sabres for all of our home games!

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Student Gathering - grade 9

Congratulations to the Senior boys basketball team on their big win last night against Wetaskiwin. 

Come cheer on the boys at 4:30pm today as they take on Beaumont Comp for the championship. Also, the Senior boys practice today at lunch.

Any students interested in attending the Youth Conference, please sign up on the list outside of room 202.  The deadline to sign-up is Friday!

Reminder to all Jasper Ski Trip Participants. Meeting in the Home ec room at 12:45 TODAY. All participants are required to attend.

Congrats to the Jr Boys on their win against Riverview last night!  Meeting in Mrs. Fearn’s room at 10:25.

Congrats to the Jr Girls for their quarter final win over Champs Vallee last night!  Please meet in Mr. Slade’s room at 1245.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Student Lounge - 8DE

Senior boys basketball practice at lunch today!

Good luck to all the basketball teams on their playoffs games today.

Any students interested in attending the Youth Conference, please sign up on the list outside of room 202.  The deadline to sign-up is Friday!

Jasper Ski Trip Participants. - there is a very important trip meeting on Wed, in the home ec room at 12:45. Everyone going on the trip is required to attend.

Congrats to the Sr. Girls basketball team on their dominant victory over LJHS. It was a great team effort, with strong contributions from all players. Thanks to all the staff and students who came out to support us.

Jazz band today.

Pizza Tuesday! 

19-20 EJELS Student Enrollment - a google form was emailed home to gr. 7 & 8 parents on Monday, kindly complete as soon as possible if you have not already done so;

Monday, 4 March 2019

The final grade 7 girls and boys badminton try-out is tomorrow morning at 7:10am.  Please check the list outside of the gym to see if you need to be there.

Cordless HeadPhones and a FitBit were turned into office

Grade nines - email your farewell pics to Mr. Slade as soon as you can.  All pics must be in by April 15.

Junior girls basketball practice for today has been switched to lunch.  Practice after school is canceled.


Pi Day is 10 days away.   The digits of pi competition happens in your math class on March 14.  There are rumors of some students already recalling over 100 digits.  Can you beat that?
Finally, Did you know that 3.14% of sailors are PI-rates?

Any students interested in attending the Youth Conference, please sign up on the list outside of room 202.  The deadline to sign-up is Friday!

Friday, 1 March 2019

Student Gathering - grade 7DEF

Grade 9 girls badminton try-outs are at lunch today.  Be there right at 12:26pm.

Three weeks away from Pi Day!  How many digits of pi can you recall?  The school winner will receive a pizza pie on Pizza Tuesday!

Service 9 students: please skip your break and come immediately to room 205 after block 2. We are volunteering at the daycare.

Students interested in the BlackGold Youth Conference - please sign up on the list outside of room 202.  See Mrs. Wilson for more details.

Interested in playing outdoor soccer - come to the office and pick up an info sheet.

Jr. Boys practice after school.

Congratulations to the senior girls basketball team who won their first playoff game.