Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Student Lounge - 8DE

Jr Boys practice at lunch. They play in the gold medal game at Leduc Jr High tonight at 5:30. It’d be great if you came out to cheer them on! And good luck to the junior girls in their bronze medal game tonight at Father Leduc!

Badminton try-outs resume today after school.  It’s grade 9 boys.
Tomorrow at lunch is grade 9 girls.  All grade 8’s are tomorrow after school.

Two days until Pi Day!  If you want to win a pizza pi, recite as many digits of pi as you can to your math teacher on this monumental day.  Madam Stewart has memorized 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862. 

Grade nine students - Mr. Slade has three farewell pictures.  Get them into him ASAP.

The home ec  room is open today and Thursday,after school,until 4 for any students that would like to come in and work on their sewing or art projects. All projects are due on Friday, March 15

Jasper Ski Trip participants are asked to share any pictures from the ski trip with Mr. Slade and Mrs. Buzak for the yearbook and monthly video.

Jazz band practice is postponed until next Tuesday. There is no practice today.

Pizza Tuesday

Junior girls basketball practice is canceled at lunch.

One act actors: we have a dress rehearsal after school today. Meet in the student gathering area at 3:10