Monday, 4 March 2019

The final grade 7 girls and boys badminton try-out is tomorrow morning at 7:10am.  Please check the list outside of the gym to see if you need to be there.

Cordless HeadPhones and a FitBit were turned into office

Grade nines - email your farewell pics to Mr. Slade as soon as you can.  All pics must be in by April 15.

Junior girls basketball practice for today has been switched to lunch.  Practice after school is canceled.


Pi Day is 10 days away.   The digits of pi competition happens in your math class on March 14.  There are rumors of some students already recalling over 100 digits.  Can you beat that?
Finally, Did you know that 3.14% of sailors are PI-rates?

Any students interested in attending the Youth Conference, please sign up on the list outside of room 202.  The deadline to sign-up is Friday!