jazz band practice today at lunch!
Sick of shoes? Thursday is going to be ‘Flip Flop Thursday’
Grade 8 badminton practice today at lunch
Grade 7 badminton practice after school
Pizza Tuesday
Speaking of pizza...junior girls, you have exactly 0 practice jerseys and 0 game jerseys returned to Mr. Slade. Looks like the dream of pizza for Ava is over.
Miss Jensen’s term 2 drama kids have a rehearsal today at lunch. Please meet in her new classroom (room 116) right at the beginning of lunch. Bring your lunches and any props you may need.
Drama one-act students: we will be having a pizza party tomorrow at lunch to celebrate our success! Please meet in Miss Jensen’s room (116) tomorrow for lunch.
Mental health key chains will be available for order this week at lunch. Come to the student gathering area and see the beautiful key chains options.
FLEX - please make sure you have signed up! Reminder to choose alternate support if you are attending a math help session or acting in the drama presentations...
Term 2 art and home ec students are asked to pick up their marked projects. Classy threads project orders for term 3 are due on Thursday.