All French Band members meet in Mme LaBrie’s class at recess on Friday
There is a very important meeting for all badminton players in the gym at 12:15pm. Everyone must attend.
The Leduc Music Festival is coming up next week, so all solo, duet & trio performers are asked to come to the band room tomorrow during the lunch hour to perform your piece. Come to the music room at 12:14 with your lunch & music to play.
-The choir is reminded of their practice today at lunch
-March practice sheets are now being accepted.
-Permission forms for the Leduc Music Festival and Ottawa are due
- Band members going to Ottawa, or anyone else that wants to buy a shirt or hoodie, is reminded to let Mrs. Baron know today!
Basketball Players - Please return your uniforms ASAP.
80 day until the Grade 9 Jasper trip! last day for deposits is Monday, don’t miss out!