Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Registration packages and Write on Stationary orders are due tomorrow.The “Ice Cream” parties are still up for grabs, get your completed registration forms into your teacher for a chance to win.

Any Grade 7 students who did not finish their soapstone project last quarter, can work on it in the Tech Ed lab tomorrow at lunch recess.

Grade 9 students are reminded to hand in their registration packages to your homeroom teacher.

Thursday is NEON day… Wear your brightest colours!

QSA meets today at lunch break in the student lounge.

Reminder to sewing students - Classy threads orders are due tomorrow. Please bring forms and money to Mrs. Nessel. If not ordering from classy threads Gr. 7 and 8 students - your textile supplies are due on Monday.

There is only one more music room practice this week;
Today - choir at 12:14
**Jazz band morning practices are postponed until next week

March practice sheets are now being accepted

How does ice cream in a delicious fudge filled waffle cone sound?  Yes, you heard right, earn your chance to win a drumstick with each purchase of a piping hot piece of dominoes pizza!  

FLEX - if you are not signed up please see Mrs Dorash in rm 103 at break this morning.