May 18 & 19 - vocal (must use accompaniment without words)
May 24 – instrumental & comedy/jokes/skit
May 25 – dance
May 26 - catch up for anyone who missed their audition
**Please sign up if you are planning on coming to the auditions. Sign up sheets will be up in the band room later today.
Music practices this week are as follows;
Today - choir at 12:14, you will sing then eat today, so please come to the band room immediately after the bell
tomorrow - Sr. Jazz at 7:30
Thurs - Jr. Jazz at 7:30
Friday - Choir, then open band practice
Any students interested in going scuba diving during FLEX in June should see Mrs. Baron for a permission form.
Mrs. Baron is still looking for Ottawa permission forms. There are still quite a few missing, so please hand yours in ASAP
Parent Council meeting tonight at 7pm.
Everyone that is going to the Science Olympique at the campus St-Jean on May 5, please meet in Mme LaBrie’s class at recess.
QSA will be meeting today in the student lounge at 12:14. Please bring your lunch as we have a guest speaker arriving at 12:20.
PIZZA TUESDAY!!!! Plus ice cream desert treat bonanza! We’re giving away drumsticks and ice cream sandwiches!!!!
Track tryouts today: boys - shot put, girls - Javelin. Meet at the bench on the soccer field at 12:15. yes, you can buy your pizza first. If your teacher has not completed these events and you are interested please come out anyway. Check the athletic board to see if you have qualified.
Can all badminton players that borrowed a racquet from Mr. Mistol return it as soon as possible. Also, please return your jersey.
Mrs Gabriel and Mrs Deboer are now missing three black chrome books from their cart. They are looking for S5, S7, and S29. If you find one of these numbers, return it to them and they will buy you pizza!!!