Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Students attending QSA today are asked to meet at 12:14. Note our change in location for today. We will meet in room 122 (Ms Gervais classroom) We will be having a guest speaker today. Please bring your lunch.

Here are the details for those performing this week, and it is long, so students are asked to please listen carefully :) Teachers, some of these students need to eat their lunch period 5. Thank you for allowing them to do so…

Today - Choir - The choir is reminded to eat during period 5 today, as the bus will be leaving at 12 noon.

Thursday morning - Grade 7 Band - the bus is leaving at 8:30am, so students are reminded to get to school by 8:20am to load their instrument in a parent truck before getting on the bus. Bass players are reminded to bring their bass amps please.

Thursday afternoon - Grade 8 & Grade 9 Band, as well as various solos, duets and a trio. These students are reminded to eat during period 5, as the bus will be leaving at 12:30 on Thursday. Instruments are to be loaded in parent trucks at 12:15 before getting on the bus. Bass players are reminded to bring their bass amps please.

Friday morning - Both Jazz Bands, as well as the Various solos and duets will be leaving the school by 8:30am, so please be at the school by 8:20am. The jazz bands will be returning to the school for lunch. The solos & duets will be staying at the high school to eat.

Good luck to all our musicians and speech arts students that are performing this week!
And one more reminder to hand in any permission forms, as well as, March practice.

FLEX- homeroom teachers please note any students in your homeroom that have not signed up for FLEX for this week.  They will now be assigned to core support courses as they have missed the sign up deadline.