There will be a senior boys basketball meeting TOMORROW at 12:15 in the gym. All those on the current roster MUST attend.
Junior boys tryouts will continue Thursday after school, please see Mrs Dorash if you have any questions.
Sr. Girls Basketball practice tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.
FLEX - please make sure that you read your posted rooms carefully, there were several problems with block 5 sign up, make sure you are headed to the correct location and room. You may not be registered in what you selected.
The band room will be open for lunch practice on Friday this week.
Student Lounge - 7CD 7/8C
Friday is Santa Hat Day!
The students that have already signed up for scuba diving with Mrs. Baron are reminded to come watch the scuba diving video tomorrow. Bring your lunch to the band room at 12:14. You will eat your lunch and watch the video at the same time. If you do not watch the video, you will not be allowed to dive next week, so it is important that you attend.
There are also some students that have not paid yet. You will not be allowed to attend if payment is not made, so please remind your parent or guardian to do this. If you are unsure of what you have not completed, please see Mrs. Baron TODAY!
Choir members are reminded to get their Airport performance permission forms signed online.
The tally for the Christmas Elves competition is done! And, the winner is...Mme Stewart's class with an estimated 5000+ points! Congratulations!
If you were in Art 8 or 9 with Mrs. Kay last trimester, please come and pick up your sketchbook or final art project some time this week.