Mrs. DeBoer’s drama 8 students: please bring a highlighter to class today
GSA will meet today in room 122 at 12:14
8E amd 8CI: Bring your coats to Science class. Egg drop is happening outdoors!
Mrs. Baron’s PE class is reminded to change and meet in room 115 for class today.
Any band students in Grade 8 or 9 that are here today are asked to see Mrs. Baron right after announcements in the band room. She has your fundraiser pizza kits order forms!! They will be on a music stand outside the band room door, so please pop by and pick one up
A reminder to the basketball players that all athletic hoodie orders need to be in no later than noon today.
Hot lunch orders are due log on to to order
On behalf of the staff at J.E. Lapointe we would like to wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday season.
Classes resume on January 9th.