Thursday, 15 December 2016

Student Lounge - Grade 9

The students that have already signed up for scuba diving with Mrs. Baron are reminded to come watch the scuba diving video today. Bring your lunch to Room 115 at 12:14. You will eat your lunch and watch the video at the same time. If you do not watch the video, you will not be allowed to dive next week, so it is important that you attend.

Choir members are asked to meet Mrs. Baron today in Room 115 at the morning break for a very quick meeting.

The Jr. Girls Basketball team is reminded that your practices next week are both morning practices. They will be Monday and Wednesday morning. Practice starts at 7am, so please be at the school 10 minutes early to change and get ready to go.

Senior boys basketball players - there is an important meeting today at 12:15 in the gym.  Be there!

Grade 8 & Grade 9 Band members please meet in Room 115 for class today.

Friday is Santa Hat Day!

There will be no Pizza Tuesday next week.  They will resume in the new year with the same sized slices for the same average prices.

French Band practice after school today.

Junior boys tryouts will continue today at 3:10 - 4:45

FLEX - Sign up tomorrow: block 1 and 2: grade 7, block 3 and 4: grade 8, block 5 or later: grade 9. Please check the session descriptions before signing up!

Term 1 marks and comments are now on the PowerSchool parent portal.