Friday is the Christmas Elves donation deadline. Can you catch Mr. Slade’s class which has a whopping 726 points? Mme Stewart has 14 - beat her!
Photography students take some individual work to do during class - homework or free reading...
Everyone is invited to attend our Annual Band and Choir concert happening this Thursday at 7 pm. Admission is a loonie or toonie at the door.
Choir members are reminded that you will be having an extra practice TODAY at lunch. Please meet in the music room at 12:14. You will sing, then eat today!
Tomorrow is early dismissal day and Hat Day!
We will be having an indoor recess at noon today. Teachers, please let your students know which rooms are available by showing them the spreadsheet that has been shared with you called “Indoor lunch supervision”. Students, you are welcome to got to any one of your grade classrooms for the recess - you must choose one and stay there for the duration of the break. Thank you.
After a more than cold week, Friday is Sweats and Toque Day!
A reminder that the 8BC, 8AD and 7AD boys do not have the ice today. Please go to the gym. All other boys PE classes will be at the arena.
Senior boys basketball try-outs are after school today. Please let Mr. Slade or Mr. Mistol know if you are unable to attend.
Guess what? We’re selling piping hot slices of pizza at lunch today so you grade 9’s don’t have to go uptown in -55 degree weather. You’re welcome!Teachers, please e-mail your pizza slice tally to Mr. Mistol right after these announcements. Guest teachers, please call 213 with your tally.
Mr. Helgren’s Grade 9 A Option, please meet in Mr. Slade’s room for period 5.
Attention Jr. Girls: There is a change to basketball tryouts for tomorrow.
Jr. Girls tryouts will be tomorrow morning at 7:15 am. This is due to the staff meeting being after school.