Thursday, 4 April 2019

Mental health key chains are here! If you ordered yours before spring break, come bring your $5 and pick yours up in Mrs. DeBoer’s room (205) at lunch!

Student Gathering 8ABC

Grade 7, 8 and 9 band members are reminded to get their Leduc Music Festival permission forms completed ASAP! Please remind your parents to check Powerschool and sign the permission form.

There will be a final combined band practice on Monday morning during period 2 for all band members. This is an important festival practice, so Please remember to have your instrument at school on Monday! Teachers, please check your email from Mrs. Baron

FLEX sign up tomorrow: grade 9 block 1 or 2, grade 7 block 3 or 4, grade 8 lunch or later.  ALL students including BHA students need to be signed up.  Reminder to Band kids that are in FOODS and Construction you also must choose alternate support on the sign up form. 

Rafiki Bracelets for sale in the office $5 each.

Very important badminton meeting for all players playing in this Saturday’s tournament.  You must be in the gym during the morning break.

Grade nine farewell pics need to be submitted to Mr. Slade ASAP.