Grade nines! Mr. Slade needs your farewell pics by April 15. Please.
Pizza Tuesday - Teachers, please e-mail your slice count into Mr. Mistol as soon as possible.
Badminton - Practice at lunch is group #2, Practice after school is Group #1
Attention all Beaumont Cup refs!!! You need to meet Mr. Mistol on the bleachers in the gym at 12:26pm to receive your schedule for tomorrow and Thursday.
Most mental health key chains are have been made. Come to Mrs. DeBoer’s room (205) at lunch to pick yours up. If you haven’t paid yet, bring $5 with you!
Service 9 students: we will volunteer at the daycare on Thursday, as it is a day 5. Please skip your break on Thursday and come immediately to class so we can get there on time.
Jazz band at 12:26. Play first, then eat, so come to the band room right at the lunch bell please.