Friday, 5 April 2019

Student Gathering - grade 8EF

Badminton practice for group #2 at lunch today.

Optional practice  today after school until 4pm for any players who are playing in the tournaments tomorrow.

Good luck to all badminton players who are competing in Sherwood Park and Ardrossan tomorrow.  Do not forget your rackets, shoes and jersey!

Mental health key chains are here! If you ordered yours before spring break, come bring your $5 and pick yours up in Mrs. DeBoer’s room (205) at lunch!

Grade 7, 8 and 9 band members are reminded to get their Leduc Music Festival permission forms completed ASAP! Please remind your parents to go onto Powerschool and sign the permission form.

There will be a final combined band practice on Monday morning during period 2 for all band members. This is an important festival practice, so Please remember to have your instrument at school on Monday! Teachers, please check your email from Mrs. Baron

FLEX - grade 9 sign up block 1 or 2, grade 7 block 3 or 4, grade 8 lunch or later.  If you are signing up for Makerspace please remember to sign up for block 3 and 4. Any students that are being assigned to an alternate session must still sign up and choose alternate support.

Beau Meadow is holding a family dance on May 3 and are looking for student volunteers to help with the set up.  If you are interested in helping with this after school on May 3, please let Mrs. Tonita know.  Thank you.

We are starting a homework club. It will start next week and runs Monday-Thursdays from 3:15-4:15. If you need a place to get homework done, come hang out and work! See the purple schedules in your classrooms for details on location.

Easter “Egg”stravaganza - Do you like Jelly Beans???? Stop by the office and with $.25 per entry you could win a jar full of jelly beans in support of CASA House. Draw date April 18!

Mrs Dorash’s computer apps block 4, please meet in the common for class today instead of Mrs.Baron’s room.