Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Student Gathering - 8DE

Junior badminton players who are playing at the open house tomorrow need to meet in the gym today at 12:45.  We will be choosing doubles teams.

Badminton pictures have been moved to TOMORROW AT LUNCH!  They will definitely take place TOMORROW AT LUNCH.  Bring your jersey for the picture that is taking place


Pizza Tuesday

Attention all PE students!  You will be doing phys. ed at the arena today.  You need to walk to the rink in your OUTDOOR SHOES, and then change to your INDOOR SHOES when you get there. 

Grade 8s: this Thursday is Outsider dress-up day! Come to school as a Soc or Greaser!

Hats on for Mental Health Day is tomorrow - wear your hat to school to support mental health . There will also be a photo booth in the student lounge at lunch. Come out and take some pictures with your friends!

Friday is school spirit day!  Come to school dressed in your JE Lapointe gear or school colours. 
Come cheer on the staff as we defeat the students at a dodgeball game at lunch.

Attention students helping Mrs. Nessel during open house. Please be in the Home ec room by 4:45 pm on Wed. so that we can get started. The open house is from 5:30 - 7:pm.

We are looking for some  kids to be tour guides Wed Night for our new student open house.  If you are interested, please meet in Mrs Gervais’ sci lab at 12:26 for a quick meeting.  The students that have signed up for GSA and Me to We please attend at 12:26 as well. 

Soccer field off limits this week for P. E. and at recess.

Grade Nines - farewell pics for Mr. Slade please! 

Grade nines - get your RiverWatch permission form signed on PowerSchool please.

jazz band practice today at 12:26

Best wishes to Mrs Rice as today is her last day with us!  We will miss you and good luck in your new adventure