Friday, 29 November 2013



  • All Grade 7 & 8 Band members are reminded that today is the last day to hand in October's practice sheets.  After today, they will not be accepted, so remember to get yours signed and handed in.

  • Anyone interested in participating in the Leduc Rotary Music Festival, Speech Arts can pick up a permission letter from Mme. Marshall's classroom (room 104).   Forms as well as payment must be handed in no later than next Wednesday, Dec 4th (not Dec 3rd as previously announced.  Selection of poems will occur on Thursday and Friday, Dec 5th and 6Th at lunch time (12:10 to 12:50) in Mme. Marshall's room.

  • Premier girls basketball practice will continue Monday at lunch.  Please be their at 12:10, ready to go.

  • Any students who ordered items from the Scholastic book Fair can stop by to see Mrs. Forest today and pick up your items.

  • There will be a practice today for the SNOW BIZ speakers.  Bing your lunch and your script to the music room today at 12:10.

  • Congratulations to Perrie Rai (7A) who has won a ice cream party for his class and has the honour of shaving Mr. Bohun's moustache today.

  • Congratulations to Castin Wisniewski (58C) for winning the right to shave Mr. Slade's moustache.  More importantly, he has won an ice cream party for his class!

  • And finally, congratulations to Dylan Zak (6B) who has won and ice cream party for his class and will be shaving Mr. Helgren's moustache off today.  These students as well as several others donated to Movember.

  • Mme. Stewart's Art Option students need to take their folders home by the end of today or they WILL be recycled!

  • Premier boys volleyball team - please return you jerseys to miss Fedor ASAP!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

  • Premier girls basketball tryouts are tonight for all gr 8’s, any gr 6 and 7’s that have been invited to come out and any gr 7’s who missed the first tryout.  Practice will run from 3:30 - 4:30. If you have any questions or can not attend please see Mrs. Dorash.
  • All grade 6 and 7 boys interested in district basketball MUST come to the gym today at 12:10pm.  Come prepared to play.
  • Premier boys basketball tryouts continue tomorrow at lunch.  If you missed the first tryout and are interested in playing, come on out.
  • Students who are interested in participating in Speech Arts as part of the Leduc Rotary Music Festival are invited to come and pick up a parent information and permission letter from Mme Marshall in room 104. Signed permission forms and payments are due no later than next Wednesday, Dec. 3rd - no exceptions.
  • Music room practices are as follows for the remainder of the week;
    Today - there will be a meeting for ALL Jr. High students going on the band trip this spring over the lunch hour today. if you returned your form and gave your 1st deposit, this meeting is for you. please bring your lunch to the music room at the 12:10 bell.
    Friday - SNOW BIZ practice for the elementary speakers. bring your lunch and your script to the music room at the 12:10 bell.
  • All grade 6, 7 & 8 band members are reminded that this Friday is the last day for October practice to be handed in. After Friday, they will not be accepted, so remember to get yours signed and handed in.
  • The Tuesday and Wednesday DIY Clubs have been cancelled this week due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.
  • All home ec projects and theory packages are due this Friday. The Home ec room is open every morning at 7:30 am and on Friday after school.
  • Dieleman fundraising orders can be picked up Thursday during PT interviews - 3:40 - 7:20 pm. in the library conference room.
  • PT interviews can be booked online at

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

  • Day 2
  • Any gr 6 girls that are interested in trying out for junior high basketball you need to be at tryouts today at 12:10. Gr 8’s will be tomorrow afterschool.
  • Premier boys basketball tryouts resume on Thursday at lunch time.  Please bring your lunch to the gym.
  • Music room practices are as follows this week:
    today - choir
    tomorrow - Jazz band
    Thursday - choir
    Friday - elementary music practice for SNOW BIZ! speakers
  • Jr. High band members must hand in their trip forms and deposit by the end of the day today. This deadline cannot be extended, so if you forgot yours at home, see Mrs. Baron BEFORE leaving school today.
  • Grade 6 Band students are reminded to bring payment for their band folder. There are 20 still waiting to get picked up, so please remember to bring your $20 to Mrs. Baron ASAP.
  •  All grade 6, 7 & 8 band members are reminded that this Friday is the last day for October practice to be handed in. After Friday, they will not be accepted, so remember to get yours signed and handed in.
  • This is the last week for moustaches at JE Lapointe.  Friday will be the shaving ceremonies so get your donations in before Friday morning.
  • The Tuesday and Wednesday DIY Clubs have been cancelled this week due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.
  • Students interested in participating in Speech arts as part of the Leduc Rotary Music Festival are invited to come and pick up a parent information and permission letter from Mme Marshall in room 104. Permission form and payment are due no later than Wednesday, December 3rd - no exceptions.
  • Parent teacher interviews are tonight and Thursday.  You can book online at until 12:00 for this evenings appointments. After noon, please contact the office at 780-929-5977 or
  • PAA/School  Council meeting will be tonight at 7pm, all welcome to attend.
  • Outdoor Ed students are reminded to bring a clean pair of shoes and  sweatpants for curling tomorrow. You will be called out of class at 10:30 to walk to the BRAC.


Monday, 25 November 2013

  • Girls basketball tryouts will be as follows for next week:
    - Grade 7 girls basketball tryouts today at 12:10pm.
    - Grade 6 girls interested in trying out for junior high basketball Tuesday at lunch
    - Grade 7 and 8 Wednesday after school 3:20 - 4:30 Please see Mrs. Dorash if you have any questions.

  • Boys basketball tryouts begin today at 3:30.  See Mr. Slade for more information.

  • Music room practices are as follows;
  • Monday - instrument practice
    Tuesday - choir
    Wednesday - Jazz band
    Thursday - choir
    Friday - Instrument practice
  • All students interested in participating in the 2014 Leduc Rotary Music Festival (April 9th to 12th) - for Speech Arts - are asked to come and pick up a parent permission form from Mme Marshall (room 104). Forms and payment are due back no later than Wednesday, December 3rd. No lates will be accepted, so please make a note in your agenda.

  • The Tuesday and Wednesday DIY Clubs have been cancelled this week due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.

  • Report cards went home with students on Friday. Parent teacher interviews are Tues. Nov. 26 & Thurs. Nov. 28, parents can book online at

  • Last week for Home ec students to complete projects. The home ec room will be open tonight and Friday, and every morning at 7:30 for students that want to complete projects. All projects are due at the end of term which is  Friday, at 3:30.
  • Thank you to all the donations to Operation Christmas child, we had a large number of shoeboxes filled and returned. We are now collecting donations for the Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves.

Friday, 22 November 2013

  • Girls basketball tryouts will be as follows for next week:
    - Grade 7 girls basketball tryouts Monday at lunch.
    - Grade 6 girls interested in trying out for junior high basketball Tuesday at lunch
    - Grade 7 and 8 Wednesday after school 3:20 - 4:30 Please see Mrs. Dorash if you have any questions.
  • The music room is open today for any students wanting to get in some practice time.
  • Jr. High band students are reminded to hand in their band trip form and deposit by next Tuesday. This is a deadline that you need to remember as lates will not be accepted. If not enough forms get handed in, the trip will not go ahead, so please make a point of remembering.
  • Grade 4 & 5 SNOW BIZ speakers are reminded of their practice at lunch today. Bring your lunch and script to the tech ed room at the 12:10 bell.
  • Premier Boys volleyball team should meet in Miss Fedor’s room for lunch.
  • Report cards will be going home today, parent teacher interviews can be booked online at starting at 3pm today.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

  • Tomorrow is Crazy Hair Day! Wear your wildest, wackiest hair-dos or wigs!
  • Junior high girls open gym time for basketball tonight 3:30 - 4:15.
  • Tryouts will be as follows for next week:
    - Grade 7 girls basketball tryouts Monday at lunch.
    - Grade 6 girls interested in trying out for junior high basketball Tuesday at lunch
    - Grade 7 and 8 Wednesday after school 3:20 - 4:30 Please see Mrs. Dorash if you have any questions.
  • Attention Home ec students - The home ec room is open tonight after school BUT is NOT open tomorrow after school. The room is open after school Monday, Wednesday, Friday next week. The room is open every morning at 7:30 for any student that wants to work on their home ec projects.  ALL projects are due Friday, Nov. 29. - that’s the end of next week.
  • Music room practice today for the choir. Tomorrow the music room will be open for instrument practice.
  • All junior high band members are asked to see Mrs. Baron at the first recess break this morning for a very important note. This note is about your possible field trip so please remember to come.
  • Grade 7 & 8 students - all waterpark field trip forms are due back tomorrow!  Teachers, please remember to record the type of food each child has requested in the column for Lunch #1 or Lunch #2.  Please see Mrs. Verhoeff if you have questions!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

  • Congratulations to the premier girls volleyball team for a great season. Unfortunately we did not bring home the banner but over the season we were ranked first place, we won a gold medal in last weeks tournament and 2nd place in the grade 9 senior girls tournament. Well done girls! Please make sure you hand in your jerseys to one of the Stewarts!
  • Big congrats to the District Boys Volleyball Team for winning silver at playoffs last night. The boys fought hard with both sets going to 24-26. It was a great season, Mr. Bohun is very proud of you and we’re looking forward to next season.
  • Congrats to the premier boys’ volleyball team for a great season!  Well done boys!  Please make sure to return your jerseys to Mrs. Duru or Miss Fedor before Friday.
  • Friday is Crazy Hair Day! Wear your wildest, wackiest hair-dos or wigs!
  • Music room practices this week are:
    Tomorrow - choir
    Friday - instrument practice
  • Junior high students.  Don’t forget to get your dollar into the Moustache is looking like the elementary students have the best chance at the ice cream party!
  • Boys interested in trying out for the Premier Boys Basketball Team can come out to a shootaround after school from 330 - 430.  The first tryout for boys will be next Monday after school.
    Girls have a shootaround tomorrow after school and their first tryout is on Tuesday at lunch.
    See Mr. Slade or Mrs. Dorash for more information.
  • The Wednesday DIY Club can meet in Mr. Bohun’s room after school today.

Monday, 18 November 2013

  • District Boys Volleyball team you have a practice at lunch today.
  • We are looking for four student scorekeepers for tomorrows premier boys volleyball finals!  If you are interested, please see Mr. Mistol.
  • The moustaches are getting full and long.  Help your teachers shave them off and support research for men’s health!  Donate $1 to Mr. Bohun, Mr. Slade, Mr. Helgren, or Mr. Lewis and get your name entered to win an ice cream party for your class AND shave off a stash!
  • Friday is Crazy Hair Day! Wear your wildest, wackiest hair-dos or wigs!
  • Congratulations to the Premier girls volleyball team who dominated the Father Michael Troy tournament and went undefeated in all of their matches to bring home the gold!  Well done girls.  Just a reminder that there is a volleyball practice today after school.
  • Music room practices this week are:
    today - instrument practice
    tomorrow - choir
    Wednesday - jazz band
    Thursday - choir
    Friday - instrument practice
  • Any of the Grade 4 or 5 students chosen for a speaking part in this year’s SNOW BIZ! Christmas musical are reminded of their practice today. Bring your lunch and your script to the music room at the 12:10 bell.
    This is also a reminder that you have a practice tomorrow before school at 7:45am.
  • Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are due back by Nov. 21 - please don’t forget to include the $7 cheque for shipping.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

  • Mrs. Verhoeff’s Media class is reminded to bring their wigs and crazy hair accessories for class tomorrow!
  • District girls volleyball team will have a brief meeting at the morning break in the gym. All members must attend.
  • District Boys and Girls Volleyball practice today after school.
  • Grade 7 students: tomorrow is the last day to bring in your DIY Club forms. Unfortunately, spaces are limited so the first set of students to bring in their forms to Mr. Bohun will be able to join.
  • Music room practices are as follows; The choir meets today at 12:10. Many students have been missing choir practices. They are every Tuesday and every Thurday at lunch. Please remember that if you signed up for choir and returned a permission form, you are expected to attend these noon hour practices.
    Tomorrow is open practice for anyone who needs help with their instrument, or anyone who just wants to get in some practice time.
  • This is a reminder for Mr. Slade’s Phys Ed class that we WILL be going to the BRAC today and tomorrow.  Bring your skates and helmets!
  • We are well into MOvember and the guys on staff are sporting some sweet stash’s.  If you are interested in a) raising money for men’s health b) shaving off a stash and c) winning an ice cream party for your class, donate a dollar to one of the moustache men and enter your name in a draw to win!
  • Grade 6 and 7 students who have ordered yearbooks can go to Mr. Bohun’s room (102) today at lunch to pick it up.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

  • Due to maintenance at the KNRRC, BHA will be in New Sarepta today.  
    The 6-7-8 students will leave at 10:10am (meet in the front foyer with bags/stick ready to go)  You will be back at 12:25pm.

    The 4-5 students will leave at 12:15pm (meet in the front foyer at 12:10pm).

  • District Boys Volleyball practice tomorrow after school.

  • Congrats to the Premier Girls for winning second at the Gr 9 Tournament over the weekend! They played awesome! There will be a meeting at 12:30 in room 110 about the tournament this weekend

  • Grade 5 students, if you ordered a yearbook last year please see Mr. Bohun in room 102 at lunch today. Grade 5 students only.

  • Attention all sewing/ textile students. All projects are due at the end of November. That’s in 2 and a half weeks. Please come in at 7:30 am or afterschool, Monday, Wed or Friday to finish your project.

  • This is a remdinder for Mr. Slade’s Phys Ed class that we WILL be going to the BRAC tomorrow and Friday.  Bring your skates and helmets!  

  • We are well into MOvember and the guys on staff are sporting some sweet stash’s.  If you are interested in a) raising money for men’s health b) shaving off a stash and c) winning an ice cream party for your class, donate a dollar to one of the moustache men and enter your name in a draw to win!

  • Operation Christmas Child - if you have a signed permission slip, you can pick up your shoebox from the office.

  • Beaumont/Nisku Christmas Elves - donation box will be in the foyer.

Friday, 8 November 2013

  • The music room will be open today at lunch for anyone who needs help with their instrument, or anyone who just wants to get some practice minutes in.
  • Premier Boys will be leaving for their volleyball tournament at 2pm.  Please make sure to ask your teachers for  homework in the morning and meet Mrs. Duru at 1:55 by the front doors.  Don’t be late!
  • Good luck to the Premier volleyball teams participating in the Mighty Volleyball Tournament.
  • Good luck to all the girls participating in the Brass Ring ringette tournament this weekend.
  • Enjoy your mid term break, classes resume Wednesday, Nov. 13.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

  • Todays hot lunch is Maina’s.
  • Music room practices continue today and tomorrow:
  • The choir is meeting today to begin their Christmas concert music and the music room will be open tomorrow for anyone who needs help with their instrument, or anyone who just wants to get some practice minutes in.Reminder to those gr. 7 students that need to come in and write their current events test for Mrs. Nessel. Today at 12:30.
  • The home ec room is open every morning at 7:30 am for students that want to work on their projects.The room will also be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school.
  • There will be no drop in volleyball at lunch time for the remainder of the volleyball season.  Thanks to all who came out to play!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

  • Early dismissal today at 2:30.
  • CONGRATS to the district girls volleyball team for an amazing show last night. They won 7 out of 9 sets. Hopefully this will put us into the playoffs. A reminder there is a practice today at 12:10.
  • Congrats to the district boys volleyball team for a great outing last night. The boys went 6-0 last night. A reminder to the boys that they have practice tomorrow after school.
  • Last call for any junior high students who might be interested in joining the JEL Science Olympics team!  There are only four spots left.  For more information, come to room 109 at 12:30.
  • Tomorrows hot lunch is Maina's Donair.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

  • Remembrance Day ceremonies are today. The Jr. High starts at 11am, and the elementary starts at 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
  • Reminder early dismissal tomorrow at 2:30pm.
  • Do you like Science?  No, do you love Science?  Do you love the Olympics?  Are you a junior high student?  If you said yes to all three questions then you might want to participate in the 2014 Science Olympics.  If you are interested, come to room 109 at 12:30 for a quick meeting.  Only five students can be chosen so don’t miss out!
  • Don’t forget that it is MOvember and Mr. Bohun, Mr. Helgren, and Mr. Slade are trying to raise funds for prostate cancer research.  Donate a dollar and get a chance to win ice cream for your class, as well as a chance to shave off their stash’s.
  • Music room practices will continue tomorrow and for the rest of the week; Tomorrow is Jazz band, Thursday is choir and Friday will be open for instrument practice.
  • Reminder to all Home ec students that the room is open every morning at 7:30 am and after school Friday to work on projects . All projects and theory packages are due at the end of November.
  • District Boys Volleyball are hosting League Games today after school. Come on out and cheer on the team.

Monday, 4 November 2013

  • It’s November, and for some men on staff, that means it is MOvember.  Some of your male teachers will be growing their moustaches during the month of November in support of prostate cancer research.  For every dollar a student donates to a specific teacher, their name will be entered into a draw for an ice cream cone party for their class.  In addition, the winnder gets to shave off the teacher’s stash!  For more information, see Mr. Slade.
  • Our school Remembrance Day ceremony is tomorrow.
    The jr. high ceremony is at 11 am and the elementary ceremony is at 2pm with guests from the Leduc Legion, parents are welcome to attend.
    Band and choir members are reminded to wear a combination of black, white or red.
  • Mme Stewart’s School Spirit class will be visiting each class tomorrow to hand out poppies. Students are encouraged to make a small donation.
  • Reminder - premier girls volleyball practice after school today.
  • District Boys and Girls Volleyball practice today at lunch.
  • Outdoor Ed students are reminded to meet at the front of the school by 10:20 this morning to walk to the curling rink. Please make sure you bring your lunch, wear your outdoor shoes and bring your indoor shoes.
  • Mr. Slade would like to remind his phys ed class to come prepared to go to the ice rink on Wednesday!