Tuesday, 5 November 2013

  • Remembrance Day ceremonies are today. The Jr. High starts at 11am, and the elementary starts at 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
  • Reminder early dismissal tomorrow at 2:30pm.
  • Do you like Science?  No, do you love Science?  Do you love the Olympics?  Are you a junior high student?  If you said yes to all three questions then you might want to participate in the 2014 Science Olympics.  If you are interested, come to room 109 at 12:30 for a quick meeting.  Only five students can be chosen so don’t miss out!
  • Don’t forget that it is MOvember and Mr. Bohun, Mr. Helgren, and Mr. Slade are trying to raise funds for prostate cancer research.  Donate a dollar and get a chance to win ice cream for your class, as well as a chance to shave off their stash’s.
  • Music room practices will continue tomorrow and for the rest of the week; Tomorrow is Jazz band, Thursday is choir and Friday will be open for instrument practice.
  • Reminder to all Home ec students that the room is open every morning at 7:30 am and after school Friday to work on projects . All projects and theory packages are due at the end of November.
  • District Boys Volleyball are hosting League Games today after school. Come on out and cheer on the team.