Thursday, 14 November 2013

  • Mrs. Verhoeff’s Media class is reminded to bring their wigs and crazy hair accessories for class tomorrow!
  • District girls volleyball team will have a brief meeting at the morning break in the gym. All members must attend.
  • District Boys and Girls Volleyball practice today after school.
  • Grade 7 students: tomorrow is the last day to bring in your DIY Club forms. Unfortunately, spaces are limited so the first set of students to bring in their forms to Mr. Bohun will be able to join.
  • Music room practices are as follows; The choir meets today at 12:10. Many students have been missing choir practices. They are every Tuesday and every Thurday at lunch. Please remember that if you signed up for choir and returned a permission form, you are expected to attend these noon hour practices.
    Tomorrow is open practice for anyone who needs help with their instrument, or anyone who just wants to get in some practice time.
  • This is a reminder for Mr. Slade’s Phys Ed class that we WILL be going to the BRAC today and tomorrow.  Bring your skates and helmets!
  • We are well into MOvember and the guys on staff are sporting some sweet stash’s.  If you are interested in a) raising money for men’s health b) shaving off a stash and c) winning an ice cream party for your class, donate a dollar to one of the moustache men and enter your name in a draw to win!
  • Grade 6 and 7 students who have ordered yearbooks can go to Mr. Bohun’s room (102) today at lunch to pick it up.