- Girls basketball tryouts will be as follows for next week:- Grade 7 girls basketball tryouts today at 12:10pm.- Grade 6 girls interested in trying out for junior high basketball Tuesday at lunch- Grade 7 and 8 Wednesday after school 3:20 - 4:30 Please see Mrs. Dorash if you have any questions.
- Boys basketball tryouts begin today at 3:30. See Mr. Slade for more information.
- Music room practices are as follows;
- Monday - instrument practiceTuesday - choirWednesday - Jazz bandThursday - choirFriday - Instrument practice
- All students interested in participating in the 2014 Leduc Rotary Music Festival (April 9th to 12th) - for Speech Arts - are asked to come and pick up a parent permission form from Mme Marshall (room 104). Forms and payment are due back no later than Wednesday, December 3rd. No lates will be accepted, so please make a note in your agenda.
- The Tuesday and Wednesday DIY Clubs have been cancelled this week due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.
- Report cards went home with students on Friday. Parent teacher interviews are Tues. Nov. 26 & Thurs. Nov. 28, parents can book online at jel.schoolappointments.com
- Last week for Home ec students to complete projects. The home ec room will be open tonight and Friday, and every morning at 7:30 for students that want to complete projects. All projects are due at the end of term which is Friday, at 3:30.
- Thank you to all the donations to Operation Christmas child, we had a large number of shoeboxes filled and returned. We are now collecting donations for the Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves.