Monday, 18 November 2013

  • District Boys Volleyball team you have a practice at lunch today.
  • We are looking for four student scorekeepers for tomorrows premier boys volleyball finals!  If you are interested, please see Mr. Mistol.
  • The moustaches are getting full and long.  Help your teachers shave them off and support research for men’s health!  Donate $1 to Mr. Bohun, Mr. Slade, Mr. Helgren, or Mr. Lewis and get your name entered to win an ice cream party for your class AND shave off a stash!
  • Friday is Crazy Hair Day! Wear your wildest, wackiest hair-dos or wigs!
  • Congratulations to the Premier girls volleyball team who dominated the Father Michael Troy tournament and went undefeated in all of their matches to bring home the gold!  Well done girls.  Just a reminder that there is a volleyball practice today after school.
  • Music room practices this week are:
    today - instrument practice
    tomorrow - choir
    Wednesday - jazz band
    Thursday - choir
    Friday - instrument practice
  • Any of the Grade 4 or 5 students chosen for a speaking part in this year’s SNOW BIZ! Christmas musical are reminded of their practice today. Bring your lunch and your script to the music room at the 12:10 bell.
    This is also a reminder that you have a practice tomorrow before school at 7:45am.
  • Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are due back by Nov. 21 - please don’t forget to include the $7 cheque for shipping.