All Grade 7 & 8 Band members are reminded that today is the last day to hand in October's practice sheets. After today, they will not be accepted, so remember to get yours signed and handed in.
Anyone interested in participating in the Leduc Rotary Music Festival, Speech Arts can pick up a permission letter from Mme. Marshall's classroom (room 104). Forms as well as payment must be handed in no later than next Wednesday, Dec 4th (not Dec 3rd as previously announced. Selection of poems will occur on Thursday and Friday, Dec 5th and 6Th at lunch time (12:10 to 12:50) in Mme. Marshall's room.
Premier girls basketball practice will continue Monday at lunch. Please be their at 12:10, ready to go.
Any students who ordered items from the Scholastic book Fair can stop by to see Mrs. Forest today and pick up your items.
There will be a practice today for the SNOW BIZ speakers. Bing your lunch and your script to the music room today at 12:10.
Congratulations to Perrie Rai (7A) who has won a ice cream party for his class and has the honour of shaving Mr. Bohun's moustache today.
Congratulations to Castin Wisniewski (58C) for winning the right to shave Mr. Slade's moustache. More importantly, he has won an ice cream party for his class!
And finally, congratulations to Dylan Zak (6B) who has won and ice cream party for his class and will be shaving Mr. Helgren's moustache off today. These students as well as several others donated to Movember.
Mme. Stewart's Art Option students need to take their folders home by the end of today or they WILL be recycled!
Premier boys volleyball team - please return you jerseys to miss Fedor ASAP!
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.