Tuesday, 5 May 2015

April is now over, so band members are now invited to hand in their April practice. It is due any time before the end of the month.

Music room practices this week are:
Today - Choir at 12:05
Tomorrow - Jazz Band at 7:30
Thursday - Red Deer Festival practice at 12:05. This is a must attend for all students going to Red Deer on Monday. Please do not make lunch plans or have to stay for a DT with another teacher, as all must attend.

Active Living students are reminded to hand in their permission forms by the end of the week. Please see Mrs. Baron for a new form if you have lost yours

Talent show auditions are coming up later this month. Please see Mrs. Baron if you are interested in signing up for singing, instrumental, dance or some other talent act.

There are also 7 choir members that have not returned their permission forms for Friday’s provincial festival trip. Please remember to bring yours to choir when you come for practice today.

Junior High track - girls - Javelin, boys - discus.  meet on the field at 12:05. Lists are posted.

Pokemon Club is today at lunch in Mr. Bohun’s room.

Girls 7BC Phys Ed period 1 - change and meet in Mme Malko’s classroom

Girls’ High Jump at lunch today.

Photo Booth tomorrow (May 6th) at lunch in room 105 - bring ONE DOLLAR!