Junior high Track: please check the updated list of participants and events on the athletics board. There have been several changes.If there are any mistakes in your events listed it is important to tell Mrs Dorash today!
There will be running practice on the field, long jump and triple jump at the pits and throwing event practice at the ball diamond all at 12:05. See Mrs. Dorash if you have any questions.
Band members are reminded that their April practice sheets are due by the end of the month.
Talent show auditions will continue today with any students performing instrumental acts or speech arts, comedy or magic. Tomorrow will be auditions for the dancers and Monday will be for any of the singers that still need to audition. The final list will be posted next Tuesday, with the talent show taking place the following the next week on Wednesday, June 3rd.
The Annual year end band and choir concert is coming up on Thursday, June 11th. All choir and bands will be performing, so please make a note of it and remind your parents and family members.
Mrs. Barons active living students are reminded to hand in their scuba diving paperwork. This is needed by tomorrow, so be sure to get yours handed in by then.
Full Colour Yearbooks are now on sale for $30. Your parents can order a yearbook and pay online through Powerschool or you can ask your homeroom teacher to print off an order form and pay cash. Deadline for orders is June 12th.
Pokemon Club is today after school in Mr. Bohun’s room.
All elementary track students, please meet on the soccer field today at 12:05 for a practice.
Please drop off your Mundare order forms to M.Morin today.
Running club today after school 3:10!
Option packages are being sent home with students today.