Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Band members, this Friday is the last day to hand in April practice sheets. Please be sure to get yours signed and handed in by then.

Options - last call for option forms, teachers please send to the office after announcements. Students, if you have not yet handed yours in please do so immediately.

Mrs. Baron has a note about this Friday’s active living class. This note will be on a music stand outside the music room door, so please stop by today or tomorrow.

Music room practices this week are as follows: The choir will be meeting tomorrow at lunch and Friday will be open band practice.

Elementary High Jump Practice today at lunch in the gym.

Pokemon Club is cancelled tomorrow.

Full Colour Yearbooks are now on sale for $30. Your parents can order a yearbook and pay online through Powerschool or you can ask your homeroom teacher to print off an order form and pay cash. Deadline for orders is June 12th.

The talent show list of performers is up on the music room door. Thanks again to all who auditioned. The judges appreciated your courage in coming out!

Great job to track athletes! Meet in the gym at 10:35 for a team picture.  Results will follow soon