Students and teachers: Grade 6 immersion students will be writing part A of the FLA PAT this morning. Both classes will be in the library from just before 9:00 until 11:30. Students are asked to be respectful by being quiet when in the hallways. Teachers, please supervise transition times. The library will therefore be off limits to both staff and students, including the use of the printer.
Drop in Yoga today at 3:15 in room 122. Everyone is welcome!
Pokemon Club on Thursday is cancelled this week due to the midterm break.
Debate club tomorrow at lunch in the library conference room.
High Jump competition at 12:05 in the gym for elementary students only. Boys’ Junior High Jump competition will be tomorrow at lunch and Junior High Girls’ High Jump competition will be held Wednesday at lunch.
Junior high track: 200 m qualifying races today at lunch, boys and girls. 12:05 on the field
sweep 8-1 and 6-1 today
Students are reminded if they come into school during O’ Canada or announcements you must come to the office for a late slip