Thursday, 17 October 2013

  • Day 2

  •  Anyone interested in scorekeeping for this Saturday's tournament are asked to hand in their form to Mr. Mistol immediately following announcements.

  • Grade 6, 7 and 8 Band members are reminded to hand in their September practice sheets for marking 

  • Mrs. Verhoeff's grade 7 Media class is excited to announce that Sabres TV is coming soon!  Watch for first broadcast next week!

  • Youth Centre volunteers will be in the front hall today at lunch time selling tickets for their up and coming dance.

  • Premiers Boys had a strong showing at last night's games, winning 5 of their 9 sets.  Great job!  There will be a quick meeting in Miss Fedor's class at the 10 min break, please don't be late.

  • Music room noon hour practices this week are, today - choir and tomorrow - instrument practice for all grades.

  • All grade 6 Band members going to Camp Evergreen next week are asked to come to the music room at first recess today for a quick meeting.

  • Congrats to the District Boys vollyball team for a great outing at home last night.  The boys will keep up momentum going with a good practice today after school.
