Thursday, 10 October 2013

  • Day 4
  • The final Music practice at lunch this week is: choir. Please remember to come to the music room at the 12:10 bell, as there were a few students missing on Tuesday. Please also remember to bring your purple permission form if you haven’t already done so.
  • Grade 6, 7 & 8 and members are reminded to bring their September practice sheets to class for marking.
  • Band members are also reminded of their Sultans of String field trip tomorrow. We will be leaving tomorrow at 11:45, so teachers are asked to allow the students attending this performance to eat their lunch towards the the end of period 4. Students are to remain in their period 5 class until they are called down.
  • Grade 5 Girls SPARK is cancelled for today.
  • District Boys Volleyball Practice today after school.
  • Any students from grade 6 -8 that would like to play volleyball at lunch times, meet Mrs. Duru in the gym at 12:10 to play.
  • Hot lunch today is Subway.
  • Lego club will be on Mondays.