Monday, 28 October 2013

  • We will be collecting food bank donations for the annual Halloween Food Drive. Please bring non-perishable food or personal hygiene products to the donation box in the front foyer of the school.  Donations will be accepted until Thursday, October 31st.
  • The Premier Boys’ volleyball team has a practise immediately after school today.
  • The Home ec room will be open Monday and Wednesday, after school this week for students that want to complete their projects. The room is open every morning at 7:30 am for students that want to work.
  • All home ec projects, that were turned in, are now marked. Please come pick up your project.
  •  Mr. Slade is still in need of permission forms for his option A class.  They must be in by tomorrow!
  • The music room is open for practice this week;
    Today is for any students who need help with their instrument or for any students that want to get some practice minutes in
    Tomorrow - Choir practice
    Wednesday - Jazz Band - students are reminded that you play first, then eat, so come to the music room right after the 12:10 bell
    Thursday - Choir practice - This is a final practice before the Remembrance Day ceremony next week, so please be sure to attend this very important practice.
  • All grade 6, 7 & 8 band members are reminded that this Thursday is the last day that September practice will be accepted. Please be sure to get yours signed and brought to class for marking.
  • Reminder - premier girls volleyball practice today after school.
  • District Boys Volleyball practice at lunch today.