Monday, 21 October 2013

  • We will be collection food bank donations for the annual Halloween Food Drive.  Pleae bring non-perishable food or personal hygiene products to the donation box in the front foyer of the school.  Donations will be accepted until Thursday, October 31st

  • There have been a couple of iPods turned into the office.  Please come the office to identify and claim if you are missing one.

  • A Huge congratulations goes out to the Premier Boys' volleyball team for winning the halloween Howler Tournament this past weekend!  Remember there is a practice today after school at 3:30 PM.

  • Due to unforseen circumstances, the Home Ec room will be closed after school today.

  • Mr. Slade's option A class are reminded to hand in their signed permission forms no later than end of day tomorrow.

  • Congratulations to the Premier Girls volleyball team for am amazing job at the Halloween Howler Tournament this weekend.  Good job girls!  Remember there is a practice after school today at 3:30 PM.

  • The District Boys volleyball team are reminded there is a practice today at 12:10PM.