- The Home Ec room will be open Monday, and Friday for any student that would like to come in and work on their project.
- School picture orders are due tomorrow. Re-take day is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 9.
- Booster Juice tomorrow.
- A huge congratulations goes out to the Premier Boys’ volleyball team! They came out strong last night during their first league games, winning 6 of their 9 sets. Way to go, gentlemen! Please remember that you have a practice today at 3:45. If you can’t make it please talk to Miss Fedor or Mrs. Duru some time today.
- Students who will be running in the X-Country Race on Saturday must hand in their permission forms today to Mme McCallion. Late forms will not be accepted, so please see Mme McCallion right away.
- There will be no running practice today after school due to the staff meeting.
- Congratulations to the premier girls volleyball team for winning 8 out of 9 sets last night at Coloniale! Awesome job ladies! Reminder to bring your jerseys to Miss Stewart. Practice Thursday morning at 7am.
- Music room practices this week are as follows;Today - jazz band - anyone interested in playing should bring their lunch to the music room at 12:10. we will play first, then eat.Thursday - choirFriday - instrument practice
- Band students are reminded to hand in their Sultans of String permission forms and payment to Mrs. Baron by Friday please.
- Band students are also reminded to bring their September practice sheets to class this week.
- Congrats to the District Boys Volleyball team on 2 wins last night. Boys your next practice is tomorrow after school.