Day 5 We will be collecting food bank donations for the annual Halloween Food Drive. Please bring non-perishable food or personal hygiene products to the donation box in the front foyer of the school. Donations will be accepted until Thursday, October 31st.
We need 2 student volunteers to scorekeep today’s district girls volleyball games. Please see Mr. Mistol directly after these announcements if you are interested.
Mrs. Verhoeff's Drama class is reminded that tomorrow is the last class to tape. Please bring all props and costumes to tomorrow's class!
A reminder for Premier Boys Volleyball that there is a serving practice at lunch time.
The District Boys volleyball team will be playing their league game at Calidonia in Leduc tonight. Boys, please meet in the front foyer at 3:15 PM.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.