Please take shoes off if they are dirty
Remain in homeroom during lunch - no wandering into other classrooms or the hall
dress for the cold weather and be prepared to go outside at lunch
There will be a choir practice today for anyone interested. Come to the music room with your lunch at 12:14. Singing starts at 12:34!
Ms Gervais’ Zen-ergy class reminder… yoga is the plan for today
GSA will be meeting in room 122 tomorrow… bring your lunch.
Students wishing to get community service hours -- the Town of Beaumont is looking for Volunteers on Nov 25 for the Brighten Up Beaumont Event. Come see Mrs. Buzak for details if you are interested.
There will be a Senior Ladie’s volleyball practice today at 12:14. Please bring your lunch
Water polo forms to Mrs Dorash ASAP